Kitesurfing for the Ocean

Kitesurf for a Cleaner Ocean, KFCO organizes kitesurfer fundraising campaigns around the world. With our inaugural event kicking off in Hong Kong, this environmental endeavour aims to raise funds for the betterment of our ocean by mobilizing the power of kitesurfers and allies around the globe. Our mission is to inspire and promote awareness of Ocean Pollution, its impact on ecosystems and marine life, and contribute to the global response by combining advocacy and action into a single action.
There are three things we focus on when it comes to choosing our entity to support and partner with. "Inspiration, Innovation & Technology". Our key grassroots environmental charity, Ocean Recovery Alliance, fits the bill just right! We look forward to contributing our part with Ocean Recovery Alliance.
Listen in on a good radio interview on RTHK Radio in Hong Kong on kiting and Hill and Neil's great ambitions in bringing kiters together for the ocean. Listen to Part two, in the 10am - 11am section.
Check out the new Pick Me Up Bags we have made, thanks to Hill and team, and your support via Kitesurfing for the Ocean. These bags are made from old kites, and are designed to be on the back of outigger canoes and surfskis. They have suctions on them so that the bag won't flap around off the boat when paddling, and it's a great way for the paddlers to catch plastic as they are out on the water, just like the kite community is starting to do. You can find out a big more here: Pick Me Up Bags.