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Ocean Products for Sale

Ocean Recovery Alliance is pleased to offer some great new products made from either recycled materials, or which are related to some of our projects.  All proceeds go towards ocean protection:


Celebrate the ocean with our new SpyHop Facewear (click to see all styles), seen here in the South China Morning Post, designed to look cool on the streets, while you promote your care for our waters and the animals within it.  Spy-hopping is when a whale comes out of the water, with its eye just above the waterline, allowing it to see what is out there "above the water".

"When you wear one of our cool ocean masks, your eyes sit above the mask, so you can see your surroundings, like a whale spyhopping.  Profits from the sale of SpyHop Facewear masks goes to our work at Ocean Recovery Alliance in protecting the ocean, and reducing plastic pollution.  By using reusable facemasks, you greatly reduce the amount of waste that would be created otherwise, with disposable masks, and the packages they come in.   Get rid of that guilty feeling you might have if you use and throw away disposable masks every day, save money along the way, and, tell your friends about the cool SpyHopping experience you are having behind these cool ocean masks.


Both our SpyHop Facewear and Plastically Impossible jigsaw puzzles can be ordered in bulk if you contact us via kai (at)   

  • NEW!! - PLASTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE Jigsaw Puzzle Series.  These are amazing for education, awareness building, awe, and fun.  We currently have two types of designs, each with three versions.  One is the "Littoral" series, from beach and water shots from different countries, and the other is the "Plastic Buffet" series, artistically laid out and sorted by the famous beach plastic artists, Judith and Richard Lang at One Beach Plastic from California, with a "haul of colorful plastic" collected from over 20 years in the same zone on Kehoe Beach in Point Reyes Seashore.    Each is 500 pieces, and they are now available at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Ship Shop, or the Maritime Museum Gift Shop in Hong Kong,  We have a few in stock if you would like to order from us directly.  Funds raised from the sale of the Plastically Impossible puzzle series goes to help our non-profit work at Ocean Recovery Alliance.  


      You can still order our Plastically Impossible Puzzles for US$32/puzzle, with shipping included.  Let us know your shipping information by                      emailing us at, and click here for Paypal payment.


  • "PICK ME UP" Beach Bags- Unique beach bags made from recycled plastic bottles, bringing Pride to the Outdoors.  These can be used when you walk on the beach, in the mountains, or are even Stand Up Paddling.  How often have you been on a walk and wanted to pick up some trash, but did not have an easy place to put it?  The Pick Me Up Bags now give you no excuse to not "cross that line" of being proud of your Pick-Up activities outdoors, so you can leave your favorite place cleaner than when you left it.  See information below, as well as videos.  We have bags in different styles, including ones hand-made in Cambodia out of old rice sacks, fish-feed bags and cement bags, or out of 100% recycled plastic bottles, or also from old sail cloth and kite material.

Thanks to Hill Siu and the team at Kitesurfing for the Ocean which is helping to support our work at Ocean Recovery Alliance with some cool Kite challenge events.  This has started in Hong Kong, but they are expanding it to other countries, and they have also donated a number of old kites so that we can make these cool new Pick Me Up Bags for the paddling community.  Great way to circulate materials between watersports!!!  

  • GRATE ART Collector Plaques - These Grate Art plaques are originals, made from both Hong Kong and Chinese artists who have brought Art for Awareness to the streets of Hong Kong, reminding people not to dump into storm drains.  The plaques are placed on the curbs in parts of the Southern District in Hong Kong, and proceeds from these collectors sets will be used to help fund the expansion of the program into new districts, and even new cities around the world.  More information on the program can be found here and on our FB Page. 

  • Baseball Caps and Polo Shirts made from recycled plastic bottles.  These are great for Corporate and sports events.  The branding can be embroidered or printed, and the polo shirts are the only ones in the world made from 50% recycled fishing nets, and 50% recycled bottles, but which feel almost like cotton.

  • WATER MARGIN: HONG KONG'S LINK TO THE SEA - a spectacular book for libraries and coffee tables alike.  You can order products by contacting us directly via:  kai (at) 

PICK ME UP Beach Bags 

Bags can be branded for company events, sports events or NGOs and fundraising activities.  Let us know you are interested to know more.

Co-branded product example: Volcom


Baseball Caps from 100% recycled plastic bottles (and feel like cotton), and Polo Shirts - made from 50% recycled fishing nets, and 50% recycled bottles.  These can be embroidered or printed.  They are great for branding, events or fundraising activities.  Let us know if you want more information.  kai (at)




Ocean Recovery Alliance is proud to announce that it has just published a coffee table book called 'Water Margin: Hong Kong's Link to the Sea,' along with Flynn Consulting.  This is a bilingual publication being donated Hong Kong's 700 secondary schools, and available for the general public through fine bookstores and outlets such as the Mandarin Oriental and Indigo.  The goal is to bring awareness to one of the biggest natural assets that Hong Kong has - the ocean. 


To order your own copy of Water Margin : Hong Kong's Link to the Sea please visit here.

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