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Press Coverage

Ocean in Motion HK_Horiz.jpg

The success of the previous Ocean Art Walk did not go unnoticed!  To find out more about what went on during this years' events and to read the press coverage on the festival, please take a look at the links and articles below.

Media Coverage on the Ocean Art Walk

香港經濟日報: 電影節 分享海洋保育信息

蘋果日報: 垃圾升華變藝術 另類保育海洋

明報周刊: 電影:《香港三藩市海洋電影節》 Ocean Art Walk藝術展

U Travel: 海洋電影節 明日開鑼

HK Magazine:

Art In Asia:


Applea Daily:

'Green' page on Chinese Sun:

Media Coverage on the Film events

HK Magazine:

Art In Asia:


News TVB:

Newspaper Articles:

New Evening Post:

Great to see some local coverage in the free tabloid that aims to deliver news to the people of Hong Kong with warmth.  Local news for local people!

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